1. When and how did you get started in derby?
June 2010. Miss Miyagi was psyching me out on her Facebook about it. I was training for a marathon at the time but got shinsplits and inflammed achilles heels, so I assumed wrongly derby would be better for my health. Hilarious, I know.
2. What’s been your favourite derby moment?
Martacus’s champagne shower.
3. Who are your derby heroes?
Bonnie Thunders.
4. How did you pick your derby name?
We were chilling at the Patersholfeesten a few days before we had to complete the line-up for our first bout in Stuttgart. We were brainstorming and Val Killer came up with it. My second choice was “the Cockroach” (keeps popping up and squirrelling on her little legs), lovingly given to me by my teammate Lady Vermassacre.
5. What’s your worst injury?
Three lost-or-on-their-way-out toenails and some unidentified shit. Almost popping my girl-on-girl cherry.
6. What advice would you give to someone who would like to play derby?
Surrender, derby takes over. Go hard or go home. Do coretraining. Meet friends you wouldn’t trade for the world.
7. If I wasn’t playing derby, I’d be…
doing more poweryoga, running, partying too hard every weekend, spending too much money on stuff I don’t use, getting fat and missing something in my life.
8. One word to describe GO-GO Gent: